The City wants to hear from you about your experiences and what you think should happen next.
goBerkeley, which will run from July 2013 to March 2015, adjusted parking prices, time limits, and parking signs to better match visitor needs, while providing free transit passes and subsidized carshare memberships to employees and residents in three Pilot Areas: Downtown, Southside/Telegraph, and the Elmwood.
Staff have compiled the program’s effects on parking and transit use, received survey feedback, and estimated the overall impacts on traffic, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions
Please attend a public workshop to discuss the results in greater detail, and let the City know how you think parking and transportation should be managed in the future.
Public Workshops
(Note: The same material will be repeated at both workshops, so it is only necessary to attend one.)
- January 21stfrom 4pm–6pm at the Berkeley Public Library Central Branch’s Community Room on the 3rd Floor of 2090 Kittredge Street (at Shattuck).
- January 22ndfrom 6pm–8pm at the Berkeley Public Library’s Claremont Branch at 2940 Benvenue Avenue (at Ashby) in the Children’s Section.
Jacquelyn McCormick