The City Council postponed the 2nd reading of the proposed BESO ordinance until 7 pm, Jan. 20th, at Old City Hall, on MLK. Most people didn’t know anything about the ordinance until Berkeleyside published an article a month ago:
BESO is absurd! It repeals the long-standing RECO and CECO programs, which require modest, cost-effective improvements to the energy and water efficiency of properties, and replaces them with bureaucratic paperwork and substantial fees for regular property audits, with no requirement to upgrade anything. If you fail to comply with the new law, you will be charged with a misdemeanor, which is a criminal offense! It’s a step backwards that looks suspiciously like “jobs for the boys”.
Attend the Council meeting, and voice your opposition, cede your allotted time to another speaker, or email your city councilmember with a copy to the Council Clerk We have heard that several councilmembers are becoming unsure about BESO, so your voice could make the difference.
Nigel Guest
According to the Planning Department, it is revising the BESO ordinance completely to meet the concerns of homeowners, and will present the revised version for initial consideration at the Jan. 20th Council meeting. It would be an excellent time for residents to give their input, before any formal readings are held.