The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) has arranged a series of open houses to discuss the plan, which is the primary driver of “smart growth”, or dense residential development along mass-transit corridors. Details can be found here. Berkeley and its surrounding cities are conspicuously absent.
Monthly Archives: April 2015
The Selling of the City in 2005
This is an article from our October-November 2005 newsletter which discusses how our present mayor and the Council sold the City to UC. If you’ve ever wondered why Berkeleyans pay such high City taxes, a good part of the reason is because UC doesn’t.
The article refers to the Settlement with UC. This is the 2005 Settlement of the lawsuit by the City against the Environmental Impact Report for UC’s Long Range Development Plan (2020 LRDP):
A Little Bit of Berkeley History
Unfortunately, CNA ceased operations in 2015. No further comments are being accepted, but we will maintain the website, and we’re converting all the old editions of our newsletter to text-searchable pdf files. The first 10 issues, from 1975 and 1976, are available at this link:
We plan to add all our old issues, to allow viewers to follow 40 years of Berkeley’s history. Thank you for your support.
Significant Community Benefits for Tall Buildings
Berkeley’s mayor sets special meeting for May 5th, 7pm to discuss the community benefits developers should deliver for the right to build their tall buildings and profit from them. Show up and share your ideas! This is really important. One of the community benefits is Affordable Housing, in which Berkeley is becoming woefully deficient.
Requirements For Tall Buildings
Item #37 on the Berkeley Council meeting tomorrow, April 7th, is about “Significant Community Benefits” for proposed buildings over 75 ft. high:
City Council Agenda
This sounds arcane, but it’s not. If you love your downtown, come to the meeting and speak up! Continue reading